Young Mens Project
Who’s it for?
What happens?
This is a small group session where young men can meet, cook, share meals, take part in activities and talk about things that are important to them.
For many young men, social pressures and a lack of relevant support mean they grow up with damaging understandings of masculinity and relationships.
Men are more likely to be involved in crime, and commit the vast majority of sexual and violent or abuse.
Men end their own lives more frequently than women, and are far less likely to report their experiences of sexual violence or abuse. We all need certain skills to be able to form healthy, safe, and fulfilling relationships throughout our lives.
By creating a fun, safe space for young men to explore their identity, we can prevent harmful behaviours and attitudes becoming engrained in later life.
We improve the wellbeing of young men and work to prevent future harm.
— J 16